Dirty Feete

dirty feet, open eyes, willing heart, strong hands, authentic voice, daring love

Monday, February 6, 2012

We are trained in our culture to use words like these 
that convey the message that we do not have free will, 
that we don't get personal choice, 
that the heart's desire is not to be trusted, or even known.

I have to                       You have to 
I must                                   You must
I should                                You should
I’m supposed to                   You're supposed to
I can’t                                   You can't

May we learn to use words instead that empower us, 
that allow us to honestly admit what we really want, 
and that give permission to the heart to have, and love, it's own desires.

I want to                                Do you want to?
I choose                                 Do you choose?

I like, or love, or enjoy          Do you like?  Love?  Enjoy?
I honor my desire to              I honor your desire to
I can                                      You can